So Young, established in 2013, is a creative platform fueled by the lively and underreported creative scenes of alternative music and visual arts.
The editors want to bridge the gap between some of the most promising illustrators with the burgeoning underground guitar music scene by fostering a sense of community. So Young is, at its heart, a printed journal where you may discover new bands. So Young currently connects a record label, live concerts, and a creative platform to advocate music and art from the bottom up, striving to accomplish more and shed a brighter light on people who the mainstream has failed.
Inspired by vintage fanzines, it's about chronicling what's going on right now in pubs, clubs, squats, and living rooms around the nation. So Young's discoveries in art and new music are printed in a limited edition print magazine. So Young is published every other month and features exclusive interviews and the introduction of the newest stars in the illustration field.