The Alpine Review is a small team effort from Montréal and Toronto, printed in Barcelona, and distributed from Berlin. We do it partially out of love, but largely out of understanding.
The world around us seems to be as tumultuous as it has ever been. Tremors in business, society, and the environment are fundamentally changing all we know. But it's all too easy to get caught up in the cacophony of the moment and overlook what it all means when the urgency subsides. We launched The Alpine Review as a long-term endeavor to comprehend those vibrations – to look at how our current moment is impacted by the past and will shape us in the future. We don't report on the items that are causing everyone else's traffic here. We aren't swayed by technological hunger, attractive press releases, or utopian promises. We look into the topics that pique our interest across all disciplines, and we follow changes in thinking and underlying systems to see where we're heading. In each issue, we travel across time and space, pondering the great issues of who we are, why we are, who we were, and who we will become.