Editorial Office:
UK, Australia

Kookie is a magazine dedicated to celebrating ALL that a girl can be. She'll adore Kookie whether she's into science or sports, art or astronomy, history or hip hop.

Kookie offers a joyful, engaging, and intriguing alternative in a society that too often suggests there's just one way to be a girl (think lovely, think pink). One that gives girls a broader, brighter perspective on the world and their position in it.

Every issue is jam-packed with stories that boost a girl's confidence, teach her new skills, and introduce her to other cultures. There are interviews with outstanding women and girls from all around the globe, biographies of trailblazing women in history, original fiction and creative cartoons, as well as craft, discussion, pets, riddles, issues, posters, and much more. Kookie is a surprising magazine that tweens will love since it is unexpected, informational, and most importantly, entertaining.

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